How to Burn CDs and DVDs in Ubuntu 13.04

One very common task that people find themselves needing to do is to burn CDs or DVDs. This can be anything from burning a movie to watch to creating a picture CD. This tutorial will show you how to burn CDs and DVDs in Ubuntu 13.04 by using Brasero.

Brasero is an application for burning CDs and DVDs in a graphical environment. Brasero is included in Ubuntu 13.04 by default. Brasero includes an easy-to-use wizard that allows you to select projects that you want to complete. Example of this is, creating an audio project.


In the screenshot shown above you will see that you’re able to choose between five different projects. These projects include: Audio Project, Data Project, Video Project, Disk Copy, and Burn Image. Under each one of these files project titles is a short description of what clicking on that button will help you do.

For example, if I wanted to burn an ISO image to a DVD so that I could install Ubuntu 13.04 I would click on the “Burn Image” option. Another example of this would be, if I wanted to create an audio CD that I can listen to in my CD player I would click on “Audio Project”.

Once you have clicked on one of the five projects to burn a CD or DVD you will be able to drag the contents of what you want to burn to that disk.

If you have any questions or comments about burning a CD or DVD using Brasero don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Also, if you found this tutorial helpful please like and share so that other people will find this tutorial more easily.