If you are like most people with a laptop you will want to connect to wireless networks at your house or when traveling. Connecting to wireless networks has become a very easy task in Ubuntu. This short tutorial will show you just how easy connecting to wireless networks is with Ubuntu 13.04.
Internet and Networking
How to Install LastPass on Ubuntu 13.04
Using the LastPass password manager has been something that i have been using here lately to manage my passwords. In order for LastPass to work for me it must be able to run on every operating system that I will be using. So far LastPass has been able to do that for me. In this tutorial I will be showing you how to install LastPass on Ubuntu 13.04.
How to Install Google Chrome in Ubuntu 13.04
My web browser of choice is Google Chrome. The first thing I do when I install any operating system is to install Google Chrome. In this tutorial I will show you how to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu 13.04.
How to Setup a Firewall on Ubuntu 13.04
A firewall is a program that runs in the background of your computer and help prevent hackers from getting access to your computer. There is simply no reason that you would not want to enable a firewall on your computer. This tutorial will show you how to setup the firewall that is included with Ubuntu 13.04 using a downloaded Graphical tool.