When working from the command line you may find that you are wanting to install a specific package for a certain task but do not know what that package is called. There is a way to search through the available packages or software from the repositories in the command line or terminal. This search tool is called apt-cache. This tutorial will show you the basic functions of the apt-cache command.
Managing Software
How to Add and Remove Software Using Synaptic in Ubuntu 13.04
There may come a time when you’re adding and removing software on Ubuntu 13.04 that you want to install or remove something specific such as a library. You also may want to completely reconfigure your Ubuntu system. If you found this is the case, you may want to use Synaptic. This tutorial will show you how to add and remove software on Ubuntu 13.04 using Synaptic.
How to Use the Advanced Package Tool (APT) to Update, Add and Remove Software in Ubuntu 13.04
Debian’s Advanced Package Tool or APT for short is a system that helps with installation of software. APT was the first system to properly install software while adhering to any dependencies that are required. For example, when installing software in Linux you may find that that particular software you’re trying to install needs another program in order to run properly. You would then have to install that dependency before installing the software you actually wanted. When using APT you do not have to worry about dependencies because it is taken care of for you.
How to Manually Install Updates on Ubuntu 13.04
How to Add and Remove Software using the Software Center in Ubuntu 13.04
The Ubuntu Software Center is Ubuntu’s graphical tool that help you to download more programs and apps for your new Ubuntu operating system. From the Ubuntu Software Center you can browse for software by category and simply click install for a worry free installation of new software. It has never been this easy to find the software you are looking for and to install it. Continue reading this guide to learn how to use the Ubuntu Software Center.