How to Add and Remove Software Using Synaptic in Ubuntu 13.04

There may come a time when you’re adding and removing software on Ubuntu 13.04 that you want to install or remove something specific such as a library. You also may want to completely reconfigure your Ubuntu system. If you found this is the case, you may want to use Synaptic. This tutorial will show you how to add and remove software on Ubuntu 13.04 using Synaptic.

The Synaptic Package Manager is not installed by default in Ubuntu 13.04. In order to use synaptic, you will have to install it from either the terminal or software center as shown below.


Once you have synaptic installed on Ubuntu 13.04 you will be able to launch it from the Dash. The first time you launch Synaptic you will get a Quick Introduction popup. Simply click close to continue to the Synaptic Package Manager.


Once you are in the Synaptic Package Manager, you will see on the left there is a list of categories. In the top, you will be able to search for a specific package or library. In the screenshot shown below I have found the “mahjongg” package in the “Games and Amusement” category.


If I decide that I want to install the mahjongg package then I would click on the little box beside the name. I would then select “Mark for Installation” to mark it as a package that will be installed when I click on apply.


When I click on apply, I am prompted to confirm the changes being made to my system as shown below you


If after I install the mahjongg package, I decide that I want to uninstall it then I would click on the box again and either mark it for removal or complete removal. Simply marking it for removal will uninstall the software leaving behind the configuration files. Marking it for complete removal will remove the configuration files along with the package. In the screenshot below I am marking it for complete removal to remove the mahjongg game and all of its configuration files.


If you have any questions about how to use Synaptic Package Manager don’t hesitate to leave a comment below. Also, if you found this tutorial helpful please like and share so that other people will find it more easily.