Anytime you are working with any operating system you should understand how the basic file system structure works. This is the same for working with Ubuntu Linux. Linux has inherited a well-planned hierarchy from UNIX which stores all of the information on your computer everything from your configuration files to your pictures is stored somewhere in the file system. This article will explain the basic Linux file system structure.
Getting Started
Watching Videos in Ubuntu 13.04
One of the many things you may want to do with your Ubuntu operating system is to watch videos. This can range anywhere from watching a DVD to downloading a how-to video and watching it. Ubuntu 13.04 makes it easy to watch videos by including the Totem Movie Player. This post will show you two video players that can help you with your movie watching needs
Managing Pictures and Images with Ubuntu 13.04
With the rise of Digital cameras, more and more digital pictures are being stored onto people’s computers. With all of these pictures being stored on computers people have the need to be able to manage those pictures using applications such as Shotwell photo manager and GIMP. This post will show you how Ubuntu 13.04 makes managing and editing pictures easy.
Listening to Music with Ubuntu 13.04
LIstening to music is something that I find myself wanting to to quite often. I have a fairly large music collection with different types of music depending on my mood. Ubuntu 13.04 makes it easy to manage my music collection and listen to the music that I am in the mood for. This Post will show you two applications that you can use on Ubuntu to manage and listen to music.
How to Change the Sound Settings on Ubuntu 13.04
Anytime you are listening to music or watching a video on your Ubuntu operating system you may find that you need to turn the volume up or down to fit your listening needs. Ubuntu 13.04 makes it very easy to change the volume settings on your computer and this tutorial will show you just how to do that.