Hardly a day goes by when I do not sit down at my computer and fire up the command line. Whether I am installing programs or managing users and permissions I find that I am much faster when using the command line. The command line is simply much more efficient than using the graphical user interface. The command line is also known as the terminal, shell, the console, command prompt, and command line interface ( CLI).
Linux Mint
How to Install Linux Mint 14 Cinnamon (dual-boot)
Linux Mint has been around since 2006. Linux Mint is a full multimedia supported desktop operating system very similar to Ubuntu. Linux Mint is the fourth most used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Ubuntu. Linux Mint is based on Debian and Ubuntu. This guide will show you how to install Linux Mint 14 “Nadia” as a dual-boot with Windows. This guide is for the “Cinnamon” edition.
How to Install Linux Mint 14 MATE (dual-boot Windows)
Linux Mint has been around since 2006. Linux Mint is a full multimedia supported desktop operating system very similar to Ubuntu. Linux Mint is the fourth most used home operating system behind Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, and Ubuntu. Linux Mint is based on Debian and Ubuntu. This guide will show you how to install Linux Mint 14 “Nadia” as a dual-boot with Windows. This guide is for the MATE edition.